Write for Us

Welcome to My Betting Edge! We’re excited you’re considering contributing to our platform, a leading source for casino and broader iGaming news, insights, and trends.

Our community thrives on fresh perspectives and expert analyses from casino, sports betting and general gambling enthusiasts and industry insiders. If you have a knack for writing and a passion for all things betting, you’re in the right place!

What We’re Looking For:

  1. Originality: Fresh, unique content that hasn’t been published elsewhere. We value original insights, deep analysis, and engaging storytelling.
  2. Expertise: Whether you’re a seasoned gambler, a casino industry expert, or a strategic analyst, we want content that showcases your knowledge and passion.
  3. Trends and News: Stay on the pulse of the latest developments in the casino and gambling world. We love articles on emerging trends, game reviews, regulatory changes, and big wins.
  4. Guides and Strategies: Share your tips, tricks, and strategies for various casino games. Our readers appreciate practical advice that enhances their gambling experience.
  5. Ethical Gaming: We advocate for responsible gambling. Content promoting healthy and ethical gaming practices is highly encouraged.

Content Guidelines:

  • Length: 400-1500 words. Quality trumps quantity, but thorough analysis and complete guides are preferred.
  • Style: Engaging, informative, and reader-friendly. Avoid jargon unless explaining it.
  • Formatting: Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points for readability.
  • Original Images/Graphics: If you have original images or infographics, include them with your submission.
  • No Plagiarism: All content must be your own work, and sources must be appropriately credited.

Submission Process:

  1. Pitch First: Send us a brief outline of your article idea. Include a proposed title and a summary of the key points you intend to cover.
  2. Review Process: Our editorial team will review your pitch. If it aligns with our content strategy, we’ll get back to you with feedback or approval.
  3. Writing: Once approved, you can start writing! Follow our guidelines to ensure your article meets our standards.
  4. Submission: Send your completed article via email in a Word or Google Doc format to [email protected]. Include a brief bio and any relevant links to your portfolio or social media.

What You Get:

  • Exposure: Your work will be featured on My Betting Edge, reaching a wide audience of gambling enthusiasts.
  • Byline and Bio: Each article will include your byline and a short bio, providing visibility and recognition for your expertise.
  • Community: Become part of a community of writers and experts passionate about the gambling industry.

Please note that we do not currently offer writers compensation for guest posts or thought leadership articles.

Get in Touch: [email protected]

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